
DIY Electronic Alarm

This is my DIY Electronic Alarm, now the prototype has been finished with breadboard,

but the PCB layout has not been finished yet.

I use a MCU(Arduino Uno) and four 74LS47 7-segment-display drivers to control

the four 7-segment-displays to show the digits of Minutes and Seconds.

When the alarm is triggered, the buzzer will generate sound.



Heart-shaped LED Chaser PCB Board

Using Printed Circuit Board (PCB) can give you a neat and stable electronic circuit assembly. A month ago I used PCB technology to make a heart-shaped LED Chaser board.

LED Tetris

Here is the implementations of code for LED Tetris game. #include "config.h" #include <stdio.h> void write_data(unsigned char,unsigned char); //Writing data to the MAX7219 chip to display different 8x8 LED patterns unsigned int led_element[8][8];  //Global variables 2D array for static tetris blocks unsigned int decimal_value=0; unsigned int row_cancel=0; //stores the current number of rows cancelled unsigned int button_pressed=0;  unsigned int step_fallen=0 ; //unsigned int random_total; unsigned int block_type; unsigned char x_button=3 ; //Global variables x for the coordinates of the temp falling block                     //Declaring x corrdinate of temp falling block allows you to modify its coordinate everywhere, in any scope unsigned int rotation_index = 0; unsigned int rotation_button_pressed = 2; unsigned int score=0; unsigned int n; unsigned int first_digit; unsigned int second_digit; void bingo(); //If 8 LEDs i